What factors might influence your decision to use a memorandum format rather than a manuscript format for a short report?

If your main purpose is to convey information as briefly, quickly, and consisely as possible, the memorandum format best fits your needs. Check these sites for more information.



Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. To me, a memorandum would be more informal and briefer than a manuscript that often would be submitted for publication. Or, in other words, the difference between a note and a composition.

What kind of people are good role models?

To determine what kind of people are good role models, you can consider the following steps:

1. Define your criteria: Think about the qualities and characteristics that you believe are important in a role model. These could include values such as honesty, integrity, perseverance, empathy, and leadership skills.

2. Identify people who possess these qualities: Look for individuals in various fields such as sports, entertainment, politics, business, or community service who exhibit the qualities you are looking for in a role model. Consider people who have achieved success in their field and have also demonstrated good character.

3. Research their background and achievements: Once you have identified potential role models, conduct research to learn more about their background, accomplishments, and personal values. This can be done through reading biographies, watching interviews or documentaries, or following their social media accounts.

4. Assess their impact on others: Consider how these role models have inspired and influenced others through their words, actions, and behavior. Look for examples of how they have used their platform or positions to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

5. Consider their compatibility with your own values: Reflect on whether their values and beliefs align with your own. It is important to choose role models who align with your personal values and aspirations.

Remember, role models can come from various walks of life, and what makes a good role model can vary depending on individual perspectives and goals. It is important to seek out role models who inspire and motivate you to become the best version of yourself.