Roll 3 dice. What is the probability of getting a sum of:

A) sum of 7: 15/216

B) sum of 8: 21/216

C) sum of 11: 27/216

D) sum of 12: 25/216

Are these correct?

How many ways are there to choose 3 numbers ranging from 1 to 6 such that the sum is N? Consider the function:

F(X) =

Sum over n1 from 1 to 6;

Sum over n2 from 1 to 6;

Sum over n3 from 1 to 6;

X^(n1 + n2 + n3)

Clearly the coefficient of X^N will give you the answer.

We can calculate F(X) as follows. Note that:

X^(n1 + n2 + n3) = X^(n1)*X^(n2)*X^(n3)

When summing over n3 from 1 to 6, the factors X^(n1)*X^(n2) don't change. You can take them outside that summation. So, what you see is that the summation factorizes into three summations which are identical.

Sum over n from 1 to 6 of X^n =



F(X) = X^3(1-X^6)^3/(1-X)^3

We now need to perform a series expansion. The series expansion of
1/(1-X)^3 is given by:

A(X) =

Sum from k = 0 to infinity of


We must multiply this by:

B(X) =

X^3(1-X^6)^3 =

X^3(1 - 3X^6 + 3 X^12 - X^18)=

X^3 - 3 X^9 + 3 X^15 - X^21

And we have:

F(X) = A(X)*B(X)

The coefficient of X^7 of F(X) is clearly the coefficient of X^4 of A(X), which is:

6!/(4!2!) = 15

So, answer A is correct!

The coefficient of X^8 of F(X) is clearly the coefficient of X^5 of A(X) which is

7!/(5!2!) = 21

Answer B is also correct!

The coefficient of X^11 of F(X) is clearly the coefficient of X^8 of A(X)minus 3 times the coefficient of X^2 of A(X), which is:

10!/(8!2!) - 3* 4!/(2!2!) = 27

Answer C is also correct!

The coefficient of X^12 of F(X) is clearly the coefficient of X^9 of A(X)minus 3 times the coefficient of X^3 of A(X), which is:

11!/(9!2!) - 3* 5!/(3!2!) = 25

Answer D is also correct!

Yes, the answers for the probabilities are correct. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to calculate the probabilities of getting each sum:

To calculate the probability of getting a specific sum with 3 dice, you need to determine the number of favorable outcomes and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, the favorable outcomes are the combinations of dice rolls that add up to the desired sum.

For example:
A) To get a sum of 7, you can have the following combinations: (1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 3), (2, 1, 4), (2, 4, 1), (3, 1, 3), (3, 3, 1), (4, 1, 2), (4, 2, 1). So, there are 8 favorable outcomes.

The total number of possible outcomes is the number of combinations you can get from rolling 3 dice, which is 6^3 = 216.

Therefore, the probability of getting a sum of 7 is 8/216, which simplifies to 1/27.

You can apply similar logic to calculate the probabilities for sums of 8, 11, and 12.

B) For a sum of 8, the favorable outcomes are: (2, 3, 3), (3, 2, 3), (3, 3, 2), (2, 2, 4), (2, 4, 2), (4, 2, 2), (1, 3, 4), (1, 4, 3), (3, 1, 4), (3, 4, 1), (4, 1, 3), (4, 3, 1). There are 12 favorable outcomes.

The probability of getting a sum of 8 is 12/216, which simplifies to 1/18.

C) For a sum of 11, the favorable outcomes are: (5, 3, 3), (3, 5, 3), (3, 3, 5), (4, 4, 3), (4, 3, 4), (3, 4, 4), (6, 3, 2), (6, 2, 3), (2, 6, 3), (2, 3, 6), (3, 2, 6), (3, 6, 2), (1, 4, 6), (1, 6, 4), (4, 1, 6), (4, 6, 1), (6, 1, 4), (6, 4, 1). There are 18 favorable outcomes.

The probability of getting a sum of 11 is 18/216, which simplifies to 1/12.

D) For a sum of 12, the favorable outcomes are: (4, 4, 4), (5, 4, 3), (5, 3, 4), (4, 5, 3), (4, 3, 5), (3, 5, 4), (3, 4, 5), (6, 3, 3), (3, 6, 3), (3, 3, 6), (6, 4, 2), (6, 2, 4), (4, 6, 2), (4, 2, 6), (2, 4, 6), (2, 6, 4). There are 16 favorable outcomes.

The probability of getting a sum of 12 is 16/216, which simplifies to 4/54 or 2/27.

So, the probabilities you provided are indeed correct.