Problem states.

which of the ordered pairs (0,0),
(-2,10),(-1,-5),(-3,9) are solutions for the equation y=5x?

my answer:

all first three except the last pair. so yes to (0,0),

You are correct on (0,0) and (-1,-5).

You are incorrect on (-2,10). y = 5x = -10 (not +10)

To determine which of the ordered pairs (0,0), (-2,10), (-1,-5), (-3,9) are solutions for the equation y = 5x, you need to substitute the x-value of each pair into the equation and check if the resulting y-value matches the given pair.

For the pair (0,0):
Substituting x = 0 into the equation y = 5x, we get y = 5(0) = 0. Since the y-value of the pair is also 0, this pair is a valid solution.

For the pair (-2,10):
Substituting x = -2 into the equation y = 5x, we get y = 5(-2) = -10. However, the y-value of this pair is 10, not -10. Therefore, this pair is not a solution.

For the pair (-1,-5):
Substituting x = -1 into the equation y = 5x, we get y = 5(-1) = -5. Since the y-value of the pair is also -5, this pair is a valid solution.

For the pair (-3,9):
Substituting x = -3 into the equation y = 5x, we get y = 5(-3) = -15. However, the y-value of this pair is 9, not -15. Therefore, this pair is not a solution.

Therefore, the solutions for the equation y = 5x are (0,0) and (-1,-5).