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List the 3 parts of Alexander Hamilton's plan to lower the national debt and make our economy stronger.

what dose that mean

To find the three parts of Alexander Hamilton's plan to lower the national debt and strengthen the economy, you can refer to historical documents and resources such as Hamilton's report on public credit or the Federalist Papers. Additionally, you can access books or articles that discuss Hamilton's financial plan and its components. Some recommended sources include:

1. Hamilton's Report on Public Credit: This document, published in 1790, outlines Hamilton's plan to address the national debt. It provides a comprehensive explanation of his proposals.

2. "The Federalist Papers": Hamilton, along with James Madison and John Jay, authored a series of essays known as "The Federalist Papers." These essays, written between 1787 and 1788, promote the ratification of the United States Constitution. In some of these essays, Hamilton discusses the importance of economic stability and his views on public credit.

3. Biographies and academic works on Alexander Hamilton: Numerous books and scholarly articles have been written about Hamilton's life and his contributions to the nation. These resources often delve into his financial plan and provide detailed explanations of its different components.

By examining these sources, you should be able to identify the three main parts of Hamilton's plan to lower the national debt and strengthen the economy.