You work for a large company that manufactures non-toxic fertilizers and other garden supplies. You have sales offices in Los Angeles, Denver, and Boston. Your manufacturing is done in Portland.

On the computer in your department, you will be storing weekly sales reports from each sales office, as well as correspondence from suppliers that provide parts and raw materials for your products.
Can you suggest a file/folder organization to store all of this information as it arrives?

Certainly! To organize the files and folders for storing the information, you can follow a hierarchical structure that categorizes the content based on different attributes. Here's a suggested file/folder organization:

1. Main Folder: Create a folder named "Company Files" or "Documents."

2. Sales Reports: Within the main folder, create a sub-folder called "Sales Reports." Inside this folder, create sub-folders for each sales office, namely "Los Angeles," "Denver," and "Boston." This will allow you to keep the sales reports segregated by office.

3. Supplier Correspondence: Inside the main folder, create another sub-folder called "Supplier Correspondence." Within this folder, you can create sub-folders for different suppliers or relevant categories, such as "Parts Suppliers" or "Raw Material Suppliers." This will help you organize the correspondence based on the source.

4. Manufacturing: Create a separate sub-folder named "Manufacturing" within the main folder. This folder should contain all the documents related to manufacturing, such as production schedules, quality control reports, and any other relevant manufacturing documents.

5. Additional Categories: If you have any other types of documents, such as marketing materials or financial reports, you can create relevant sub-folders based on those categories inside the main folder.

By following this organization structure, you can easily locate and access the necessary documents based on their category and source. Remember to use clear and descriptive file names within each folder to ensure easier identification in the future.