I really don't know how to answer this:

What events and figures have shaped the development of Islam in the United States?

african slaves of the islamic faith, nation of islam, muslim immigrants, first mosque built in early 1900s, 9/11 and anti-muslim feelings in the US

To answer the question about the events and figures that have shaped the development of Islam in the United States, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the history of African slaves of the Islamic faith: Start by learning about the arrival of African slaves in the United States and their religious practices. Many Africans brought with them their Islamic faith, which contributed to the development of Islam within the country.

2. Study the Nation of Islam: Look into the Nation of Islam, an African American socio-religious movement that emerged in the early 20th century. Research prominent figures such as Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X, who played significant roles in the development of Islam among African Americans.

3. Explore Muslim immigrants: Investigate the influence of Muslim immigrants who have come to the United States throughout history. Learn about the different waves of immigration and the impact these individuals have had on the growth and diversification of the Muslim community in America.

4. Look into the first mosque built in the early 1900s: Research the establishment of the first mosque in the United States. Learn about its significance and how it contributed to the development of Islam in the country. This information will provide insights into the early stages of Islam's presence and growth within the United States.

5. Examine the impact of 9/11 and anti-Muslim sentiment: Explore how the events of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent rise in anti-Muslim sentiments have shaped the Muslim community in the United States. Look into the experiences of American Muslims after 9/11 and the ways in which this period has influenced their identity and relationship with the broader society.

By following these steps, you will be able to answer the question about the events and figures that have shaped the development of Islam in the United States.