I have to write an essay to compare and contrast the unification movments of modern day Italy & Germany. Where can i obtain information describing each movement? How were they Similar? how where they different.

Here are some appropriate sites:




To obtain information about the unification movements of modern-day Italy and Germany, you can start by researching on reliable sources such as academic articles, books, and credible websites. Wikipedia is a good starting point, but it is always recommended to cross-reference the information you find there with other sources.

For Italy, you can visit the following websites:

1. Wikipedia page on Italian unification: This page provides a general overview of the Italian unification movement, including key events and figures.

2. Answers.com page on Risorgimento: Risorgimento is the term used to describe the Italian unification movement. This page provides additional information and insights on the topic.

3. arcaini.com: This website specifically focuses on Italy's history, including the Italian unification. It may offer more detailed and comprehensive information.

For Germany, you can visit the following website:

1. Wikipedia page on the German Confederation: This page will give you an understanding of the German Confederation, which was a precursor to the unification of Germany. It will provide you with a historical context for the unification process.

To compare and contrast the unification movements of Italy and Germany, you can visit the following websites:

1. thecorner.org: This website provides a comparison of the Italian and German unification movements. It explores similarities and differences, key events, and the role of nationalism in both movements.

2. hyperhistory.net: This page offers an essay that specifically compares the unification movements of Germany and Italy. It analyzes their respective paths to unification, highlighting similarities and differences in ideologies, leadership, and challenges.

Remember, while these websites can provide a good starting point for your research, it is important to utilize multiple sources and critically evaluate the information you find. Additionally, you may want to consider using library databases or consulting scholarly books and articles for a more in-depth analysis.