I have to write an essay on the legacy of the decisions made at the Congress of Vienna. Can you give me some information or links to somewhere that can be helpful to me in my writing.

I'm looking for information like
1)what was the Congress? What was it goals.

2)What type of nationalist movements broke out.

3)Were nationalist movements successful?

Check these links.




Certainly! Here is some information to help you with your essay on the legacy of the decisions made at the Congress of Vienna:

1) The Congress of Vienna was a conference held in 1814-1815, and it aimed to establish long-lasting peace in Europe following the Napoleonic Wars. The primary goal was to redraw the map of Europe and restore monarchy, balance power, and prevent a recurrence of revolutionary uprisings. It sought to maintain the status quo among the major European powers and establish a balance of power system.

For more detailed information on the goals and outcomes of the Congress of Vienna, you can visit the following links:

- http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/westn/congvienna.html
- http://members.aol.com/varnix/congress/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congress_of_Vienna

2) The decisions made at the Congress of Vienna had a significant impact on nationalist movements that emerged during the 19th century. These movements, fueled by a sense of ethnonationalism, sought independence, unity, and self-determination for various nations within Europe. Nationalist movements broke out in areas such as Italy, Germany, Poland, and Greece, among others.

To find more information about the nationalist movements that emerged following the Congress of Vienna, you can refer to the links mentioned earlier. Additionally, you can explore specific nationalist movements by searching for information about the Italian Risorgimento, German unification, or the Polish November Uprising, for example.

3) The success of nationalist movements varied across Europe. Some movements, like the Italian Risorgimento, ultimately succeeded in achieving their goals of unification and independence. Others, like the Polish November Uprising, were initially unsuccessful but laid the groundwork for future movements that eventually led to independence.

To determine the success of specific nationalist movements, it would be helpful to research the outcomes and long-term effects of these movements. You can find information on specific nationalist movements through the links I provided earlier, as well as by searching for historical sources or academic articles on the specific nationalist movements that interest you.

Remember to critically analyze the information you gather, considering multiple perspectives and evaluating the sources' credibility and relevance to your essay. Best of luck with your writing!