unscramble TILKRETOC

Little Rock

You left out a T

this is how it is typed on sons homework paper. not sure if it is misprint or not.

It's the only capital that comes close. Little Rock must be right.

To unscramble the word "TILKRETOC," you can follow these steps:

1. First, identify any clues or patterns in the letters. In this case, there is a mix of consonants and vowels.
2. Rearrange the letters to form different word combinations. Try different combinations until a recognizable word is formed.
3. One possible word that can be formed by rearranging the letters "TILKRETOC" is "Little Rock."

However, if you suspect that a misprint has occurred, double-check the spelling and ensure that all the given letters are accurate. In this case, it appears that a letter may have been left out, as you mentioned. Adding a "T" at the beginning of the word would result in "Little Rock," which is a capital city and a valid phrase.