Let's try "leçon 2:"


To form the interrogative present tense of regular -er verbs in French, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb: Choose a regular -er verb, such as "parler" (to speak), "manger" (to eat), or "aimer" (to love).

2. Remove the -er ending: Drop the -er ending from the verb to get the verb's stem. For example, from "parler," you get "parl-," from "manger," you get "mang-," and from "aimer," you get "aim-."

3. Add the appropriate subject pronoun: Place the appropriate subject pronoun before the verb stem. The subject pronouns in French are "je" (I), "tu" (you), "il/elle/on" (he/she/one), "nous" (we), "vous" (you-plural/formal), and "ils/elles" (they).

4. Add the appropriate ending: Attach the appropriate ending to the verb stem based on the subject pronoun. The endings for -er verbs in the interrogative present tense are "-e," "-es," "-e," "-ons," "-ez," and "-ent," respectively.

Here is the conjugation of the verb "parler" in the interrogative present tense:
- Est-ce que je parle? (Do I speak?)
- Est-ce que tu parles? (Do you speak?)
- Est-ce qu'il/elle/on parle? (Does he/she/one speak?)
- Est-ce que nous parlons? (Do we speak?)
- Est-ce que vous parlez? (Do you speak?)
- Est-ce qu'ils/elles parlent? (Do they speak?)

Similarly, you can apply this pattern to other regular -er verbs to form the interrogative present tense in French.