Who was the only US President to be granted a patent and what was this for?

I've just learned something. :-) Check this site.


According to the provided website, Abraham Lincoln was the only US President to be granted a patent. The patent was for a device to lift boats over shoals and obstructions in a river, known as "A Device for Buoying Vessels Over Shoals."

To verify this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Copy the URL provided: http://inventors.about.com/od/lstartinventors/a/Abraham_Lincoln.htm
2. Open a web browser and paste the URL in the address bar.
3. Press Enter or Return on your keyboard, and the website should load.
4. Scroll through the webpage until you find the relevant information about Abraham Lincoln's patent.
5. Read through the details and confirm if it mentions Abraham Lincoln being the only US President to be granted a patent and the nature of the patent.

By following these steps, you can verify the information from the provided website and learn more about Abraham Lincoln's patent.