what are the essential components of a logical argument?

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The essential components of a logical argument include premises, inferences, and a conclusion.

Premises are statements or facts that support or provide evidence for the argument. They serve as the starting point of the argument and are considered to be true or assumed to be true.

Inferences are the reasoning steps that are made based on the premises. They connect the premises to the conclusion and show how the premises lead to the conclusion. Inferences can be deductive, inductive, or abductive, depending on the type of reasoning used.

Finally, the conclusion is the final statement or claim that is supported by the premises and inferences. It is the point that the argument aims to establish or prove.

To fully understand the components of a logical argument and delve deeper into the topic, you can refer to the provided links. One link is to a website called Philosophy Pages, which offers an explanation of logical arguments in a concise and clear manner. The other link is to the Wikipedia page on logical arguments, which provides a comprehensive overview of the topic. These resources will provide you with detailed information and examples to enhance your understanding of the essential components of a logical argument.