Besides the IAT, what measurements do sociologists use to measure prjudice?

What makes you think the IAT measure prejudice and bias? There is a big controversy over just that point.

I don't know of any reliable tests.

There used to be a "Nonesuch" test, which asked something like, "Out of 100 people in each category, how many would have to be present before you would feel uncomfortable?"

The categories included all sorts of races, nationalities, religions and ethnic groups. However, within these categories were three "Nonesuch" groups — Danerian, Wallerian and another that I cannot remember.

They found that the level of acceptance of the Nonesuch groups corresponded closely to the level of low acceptance of various outgroups for that person. This is just one attempt to measure prejudice. This led the researchers to conclude that the prejudices were — to a great extent — a function of the perceiver's suspicions of unknown groups in contrast to actual characteristics of the outgroups.

Other studies have shown that, as one gets to know outgroup members on an individual basis, usually prejudiced attitudes against that group tend to be reduced.

This is just one attempt to measure prejudice. I searched Google under the key words "prejudice measure" to get these possible sources:

There are many more sources, if you want to continue the search.

Since prejudice is influenced by so many factors, it is very difficult to measure on a reliable basis. Even so, some basic trends can be indicated.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

The measurement of prejudice is a complex task and there is no one definitive test or measurement used by sociologists. One commonly used measurement is the Implicit Association Test (IAT), but as you correctly pointed out, there is controversy surrounding its validity in measuring prejudice and bias.

Apart from the IAT, sociologists have employed various methods and measurements to study prejudice. One example is the "Nonesuch" test, which asked individuals about their comfort level with different groups of people. By including "Nonesuch" groups, researchers were able to examine the level of acceptance of unknown groups and compare it to their acceptance of outgroups. This test revealed that prejudices were often influenced by suspicions of unknown groups rather than the actual characteristics of the outgroups.

Other studies have emphasized the importance of personal interactions in reducing prejudiced attitudes. Getting to know outgroup members on an individual basis has been shown to decrease prejudiced attitudes against that group.

To find more information on the measurement of prejudice, you can conduct a search using keywords such as "prejudice measure" on search engines like Google. This search will provide you with various articles and resources on the topic.

It is important to note that measuring prejudice accurately is a challenging task due to the many factors that influence it. While there may not be one reliable measurement, studying different measurements and methodologies can help provide a better understanding of the complexities surrounding prejudice.