Circle the letter of the answear in which 503,000,000 is written correctly in scientific notation.(superscript -7, superscript 6,and superscript 8

1)5.03 x 10-7
2)503 x 106
3)5.03 x 108
4)503 million

I got number 3 for the answear.

And you get the prize.

5.03 x 108 is correct.


5.0 x 10^8

Yes, you are correct. The correct expression of 503,000,000 in scientific notation is 5.03 x 10^8. Well done!

To determine the correct expression of the number 503,000,000 in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point, and count the number of places we moved the decimal.

In the given options:

1) 5.03 x 10-7: This expression represents a very small value, as the negative exponent means we are moving the decimal point to the left by 7 places. Since we have a large value, this option is incorrect.

2) 503 x 106: This expression represents the original number multiplied by 1,000,000 (106). This option does not have the decimal point after the first digit, so it is incorrect.

3) 5.03 x 108: This expression represents the original number with the decimal point after the first digit, and we move the decimal point to the right by 8 places (108). This option matches the correct expression of the number.

4) 503 million: This option does not use scientific notation and does not have the decimal point after the first digit, so it is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct expression of 503,000,000 in scientific notation is 5.03 x 108.