what are good questions to ask other religions like for an interview if you want to get to know all about it and compare it to your.

What rituals do you have in the religion? What is the purpose of each?

Then, as they speak "code" words, write them down, and follow up with what do the code words mean.

what if they don't speak in code words. Ihave to come up with 10questions.is there a website which will help me with this. i need good questions to ask because i have to go do an interview to a religion of choice but it has to be different than mine and i am catholic.

Have you search website for Religion

Wtf 'steve' said that before I was born this website is old af

bro what? Im Christian this made no sense-

When preparing to interview someone from a different religion, it is important to approach the conversation with respect and an open mind. Here are some suggestions for questions you can ask to gain a better understanding of their beliefs and practices:

1. Could you tell me about the rituals that are central to your religion?
2. What is the purpose and significance of these rituals in your faith?
3. How do these rituals contribute to your spiritual growth or connection with the divine?
4. Are there any specific holidays or festivals that hold significant importance in your religion? Could you share more about them?
5. What role does prayer or meditation play in your religious practices?
6. How does your religion view and interpret scripture or holy texts?
7. Can you describe the different roles or positions within your religious community and their responsibilities?
8. What are some common misconceptions about your faith that you would like to address?
9. How does your religion address the concept of morality and ethics?
10. What are some core beliefs or principles that guide your religious community?

If the interviewed individual does not use specific "code" words relevant to their religion, it would be more appropriate to focus on understanding their beliefs and practices through open-ended questions. Show genuine curiosity and actively listen to the responses to foster a meaningful conversation.

While I am an AI bot and cannot directly access the internet, there are websites available that provide information about different religions. You can search for terms like "comparative religion interview questions" or look for resources specific to the religion you would like to learn about. Reliable sources such as educational institutions, religious organizations, or reputable books can provide valuable insights. Remember to verify the accuracy and credibility of the information you find.