I need help with the definition of biological influences. I can do the rest of the assignment but if someone can help me with the understanding of biological influences it will help me finish the rest of my assignment. Thank you very much.

Think on these:
Why at puberty do suddenly boys seem attracted to girls?
Why at age thirty do childless women suddenly start to think of nest building?
Why do girls and women wear makeup, colorful clothes, or perfume? (Think of societies where it is prohibited...it still is done).

Biology determines hormones, desires, attractions (to food also). Biology determines even how we think and organize info (left brain vs right brain types).

Oh yes...Why are some folks right handed, and some left?

So biological influences can be said to be those that are gentically programed into an individual through genes and traits passed from one relative to another? It is the genetic programming that helps determine what tiggers such things as listed above? So biological influences are not due to the environmental factors, they can be triggered by environmental factors though?

Yes, on all questions.

Think about being in the mood for love...bright lights, or dim? Music or not? I am thinking of one treatment for depression also, light from a bright light overhead. Yes, environmental factors can trigger responses...albeit most of those triggers are biochemical (inherited mechanisms) also.

What is biological influences?

what are the biological factor that influence learning

there is nothing even near to the definition of biological factors, so if you don't know, don't try to waste other's precious time

You seem to have a good understanding of biological influences already. Biological influences refer to the genetic programming and traits that are passed down from one generation to another, which can determine various aspects of an individual's behavior, desires, and physical characteristics.

For example, at puberty, boys may suddenly become attracted to girls due to hormonal changes that occur during this stage of development. These hormonal changes are biologically influenced and can trigger sexual desires. Similarly, at the age of thirty, childless women may start to think of nest building due to biological factors such as hormonal changes and the natural instinct to reproduce.

The use of makeup, colorful clothes, and perfume by girls and women can also be influenced by biology. In many societies, these practices are considered attractive and can potentially increase an individual's chances of finding a mate. Even in societies where these practices are prohibited, they may still be done clandestinely because they are biologically influenced behaviors aimed at enhancing attractiveness and reproductive success.

The preference for right-handedness or left-handedness is also believed to be influenced by biology. Although there may be some environmental factors that can affect handedness, such as cultural influences or learned behaviors, research suggests that genetics play a significant role in determining handedness.

It is important to note that biological influences can be triggered or influenced by environmental factors. For example, being in the mood for love can be influenced by environmental factors such as lighting and music. In the treatment of depression, light therapy using a bright light overhead can help alleviate symptoms. While environmental factors can have an impact, they often work in conjunction with an individual's biological programming.