can someone help me understand what are the major parts of society.How are they interelated. What are the consequences of these parts.How is society interelated.

my teacher made a whole lecture which to me made no sence. I took notes as much possible but i still don't understand.

Try reading the web-site I found for you:

thank you

Of course! I understand that you're having trouble understanding the major parts of society and how they are interconnected, as well as the consequences and interrelation of different aspects of society.

To gain a better understanding of this topic, I recommend reading about sociology. Sociology is the study of society, including its structure, institutions, and interactions. It addresses questions about how societies are formed, evolve, and function.

One useful resource to start with is the Wikipedia page on sociology ( This page provides a comprehensive overview of the subject and covers various aspects related to society and its parts.

When studying the major parts of society, it is important to consider different social institutions such as family, education, economy, politics, religion, and healthcare. These institutions play crucial roles in shaping the structure and functioning of society.

Understanding the interrelation between these parts is essential. For example, the family institution influences socialization and provides the foundation for social relationships. Education, on the other hand, contributes to the development of individuals and their integration into society. The economy affects the distribution of resources and wealth, while politics determines governance and decision-making processes.

The consequences of these parts can be far-reaching. They include social inequality, power dynamics, social norms, and cultural values. For instance, economic disparities can lead to various social problems, such as poverty, crime, and social unrest. The interplay between society's parts and their consequences is complex and can be analyzed from different sociological perspectives.

Remember that studying sociology involves delving into sociological theories, concepts, and research findings. It often requires critical thinking and application of sociological principles to real-world scenarios. By exploring the provided resource and engaging with other textbooks or scholarly articles, you can develop a more comprehensive understanding of society's major parts and their interrelations.

If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any particular aspect of sociology or society, feel free to ask!