Posted by bailey on Monday, January 8, 2007 at 2:12pm.

The area of a rectangular blanket in square centimetersis 40x^2+2x-65. The width is 4x-5cm^2. Find the dimensions of the blanket in terms of x.

Can someone plz help with this?

Do you have any more information that you are not giving? If the blanket were square, I could use the following formula:

(4x - 5cm^2)(4x - 5cm^2) = 40x^2 + 2x - 65

Unfortunately, it is rectangular. Until you can formulate equations, you cannot find the value of x.

I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help. Thanks for asking.

I need an answare

To find the dimensions of the rectangular blanket in terms of x, we'll need to solve for both the length and width in terms of x. However, with the given information, it is not possible to determine the specific values of x, length, or width.

The given equation, (4x - 5cm^2)(4x - 5cm^2) = 40x^2 + 2x - 65, suggests that the width of the blanket is (4x - 5) cm^2. However, without further information about the relationship between the length and width, we cannot determine the dimensions of the blanket.

If you provide more information or equations regarding the relationship between the length and width, I can assist you further in finding the dimensions of the blanket in terms of x.