I need to put these 10 verbs in passe simple then write their corresponding infinitive:

regarder, rester, parler, pouvoir, s'habiller, sourire, se remplir, se montra, avoir, etre
Can anyone help me with this please?

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First of all the forms of the passé simple of regular verbs are found by dropping the ending of the infinitive and adding the following personal endings:
a) for all -er verbs: -ai, -as, -a, -âmes, -âtes, -èremt/
b) for regular -ir and -re verbs: -is, -is, -it, -îmes, -îtes, -irent.

Verbs with irregular stems in the pas�L�Lsimple have the endings: -s, -s, -t, -ˆmes, ˆtes, -rent. The stems generally end in i or u.

regarder, rester, parler are regular, s'habiller, se remplir, (check se montra) are reflexive, but regular. avoir is j'eus, etc., être is je fus, etc. sourire is je souris, etc. pouvoir is je pus. Now, write them out and if e have time, I'll be glad to check them for you.

To put the verbs in passe simple and write their corresponding infinitive, follow these steps:

1. For regular -er verbs like "regarder," drop the -er ending and add the following personal endings: -ai, -as, -a, -âmes, -âtes, -èrent.
- The passé simple forms of "regarder" would be:
- je regardai
- tu regardas
- il/elle/on regarda
- nous regardâmes
- vous regardâtes
- ils/elles regardèrent

2. For regular -ir and -re verbs like "rester" and "parler," drop the -ir/-re ending and add the following personal endings: -is, -is, -it, -îmes, -îtes, -irent.
- The passé simple forms of "rester" would be:
- je restai
- tu restas
- il/elle/on resta
- nous restâmes
- vous restâtes
- ils/elles restèrent
- The passé simple forms of "parler" would be:
- je parlai
- tu parlas
- il/elle/on parla
- nous parlâmes
- vous parlâtes
- ils/elles parlèrent

3. For reflexive verbs like "s'habiller" and "se remplir," treat them as regular verbs but with the reflexive pronouns attached to the end of the verb.
- The passé simple forms of "s'habiller" would be:
- je m'habillai
- tu t'habillas
- il/elle/on s'habilla
- nous nous habillâmes
- vous vous habillâtes
- ils/elles s'habillèrent
- The passé simple forms of "se remplir" would be:
- je me remplis
- tu te remplis
- il/elle/on se remplit
- nous nous remplîmes
- vous vous remplîtes
- ils/elles se remplirent

4. For irregular verbs, you need to memorize their specific stems and personal endings.
- The passé simple forms of "avoir" would be:
- j'eus
- tu eus
- il/elle/on eut
- nous eûmes
- vous eûtes
- ils/elles eurent
- The passé simple forms of "être" would be:
- je fus
- tu fus
- il/elle/on fut
- nous fûmes
- vous fûtes
- ils/elles furent
- The passé simple forms of "sourire" would be:
- je souris
- tu souris
- il/elle/on sourit
- nous sourîmes
- vous sourîtes
- ils/elles sourirent
- The passé simple forms of "pouvoir" would be:
- je pus
- tu pus
- il/elle/on put
- nous pûmes
- vous pûtes
- ils/elles purent

Now you can write out the verbs in the passé simple and their corresponding infinitive forms.