4 letter word starting with scr spr or str - brother is to mother as fly is to - - - -

Well, scry, stry, and spry are all words, but I guess spry works the best.???

I can't find scry or stry in my dictionary. I don't see the analogy between spry and fly.

oblique is to slanting
timid is to audacious
churlish is to exspensive
willful is to graceful

To solve this analogy, we need to find a four-letter word that starts with either "scr," "spr," or "str" that can be used to complete the analogy "brother is to mother as fly is to ______."

First, let's break down the given word options:
- Scry: This is not a common word and may not fit the analogy.
- Stry: This word doesn't seem to exist, so it isn't a valid choice.
- Spry: This word means "active and lively," which doesn't fit the analogy with "fly."

Since none of the options seem to work, let's take a closer look at the analogy and find another word that fits the pattern.

The analogy given is:
"brother is to mother as fly is to ______."

To understand this analogy, we need to identify the relationship between "brother" and "mother." Typically, a mother is a female parent, and a brother is a male sibling. Therefore, the analogy focuses on gender relationships and roles.

Applying this understanding to the second half of the analogy, we need to find a word that represents a gender relationship or role associated with a fly. However, it may not be immediately apparent what word would fit the analogy.

Given the word options you provided in your response:
- Oblique: This word means "slanting" and doesn't relate to the analogy.
- Timid: This word means "shy or lacking confidence," which doesn't fit the gender relationship pattern established in the analogy.
- Churlish: This word means "rude or ill-mannered" and doesn't fit the gender relationship pattern.
- Willful: This word means "stubborn or determined" and doesn't fit the gender relationship pattern.

Since none of the given options fit the analogy, it seems that we may need to find a different word altogether. Without more information or context, it's challenging to determine what word would accurately complete the analogy. However, it is clear that the provided options do not fit the established pattern.