what is the turning piont in Stuck in Neutral by terry trueman?

The whole point is that just because someone is disabled, doesn't mean that they can't think or feel or that they aren't smart. I mean they could be, but obviously the guy in the book isn't. Then there is also the debate of what to do about it on the parent's part. On one hand they might wnat to put the poor kid out of his suffering (like the fatjer) but then again, what if he's not suffering?

The turning point in the novel "Stuck in Neutral" by Terry Trueman occurs when the main character, Shawn, discovers that his father, who had previously expressed a desire to end Shawn's suffering, actually loves him deeply. This realization dramatically changes Shawn's understanding of his own existence and challenges the assumptions made by both himself and others about his quality of life as a disabled individual.

To locate the specific turning point in the book, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by reading the entire novel to understand the plot and character development.
2. Pay attention to the interactions and conversations between Shawn and his father throughout the story.
3. Look for a significant turning point where Shawn's understanding of his father's feelings shifts.
4. Note any scenes or dialogue that reveal a change in Shawn's perception of his father and his own existence.
5. Analyze the events surrounding this turning point to understand the impact it has on the plot and character development.

By closely examining the text and identifying the key moments in the narrative, you will be able to identify the turning point in "Stuck in Neutral."