What makes up the Hindu religion considering that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system.

Two of the unifying elements of Hinduism are a belief in Brahman and reincarnation.

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To understand what makes up the Hindu religion, it is important to note that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system like some other religions. Instead, it encompasses a wide range of beliefs, practices, and traditions. However, there are a few key elements that are commonly found among Hindus.

One of the central beliefs in Hinduism is the belief in Brahman. Brahman is the ultimate reality or divine power that permeates everything in the universe. It is considered to be formless, infinite, and eternal. Many Hindus believe that all individual souls (Atman) are ultimately part of this Brahman.

Another important concept in Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation or samsara. Hindus believe in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, wherein the soul is eternal and goes through numerous lives to learn, evolve, and attain spiritual liberation (moksha) from this cycle.

Apart from these unifying elements, there are various other beliefs and practices within Hinduism, such as worshiping different deities, following different rituals, performing yoga and meditation, observing festivals and holy days, and practicing ethical principles. These practices can vary based on regional, cultural, and personal differences.

To learn more about the Hindu religion and its different aspects, you can refer to reliable resources such as:

1. (Broken Link Removed) (as mentioned in the question)
2. http://hinduism.about.com/od/basics/a/whois.htm - This link provides basic information about Hinduism, including its beliefs, practices, and key concepts.
3. Books such as "The Bhagavad Gita," "The Upanishads," and "The Ramayana" are valuable sources for understanding Hindu philosophy, mythology, and scriptures.
4. Seeking guidance from scholars, spiritual leaders, or individuals with expertise in Hinduism can provide deeper insights.

Remember, while these resources can provide valuable information, it is also important to approach the subject with an open mind, respect different perspectives, and consider the diversity that exists within the Hindu religion.