how do i do subjontive? how do i know that i am doing it right? the endingings : e,es,e,ions,iez,ent - do i use those for every verb i use? for -ir verbs, do i also add -iss, or is that onlyfor imparitive?


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. It would appear that you are asking how to form the Present Subjunctive? Here is some information for you:

The subjunctive is formed on the root of the lst or 3rd person plural present tense indicative, to which are added the following endings:

To form the present subjunctive in French, you usually take the third-person plural form of the present tense indicative as the stem and add the following endings:

- For regular verbs ending in -er, you add the endings: -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent.

For example, for the verb parler (to speak), the present subjunctive forms are:

- Que je parle (That I speak)
- Que tu parles (That you speak)
- Qu'il/elle parle (That he/she speaks)
- Que nous parlions (That we speak)
- Que vous parliez (That you speak)
- Qu'ils/elles parlent (That they speak)

- For regular verbs ending in -ir and -re, the endings are the same as for -er verbs: -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent.

For example, for the verb finir (to finish), the present subjunctive forms are:

- Que je finisse (That I finish)
- Que tu finisses (That you finish)
- Qu'il/elle finisse (That he/she finishes)
- Que nous finissions (That we finish)
- Que vous finissiez (That you finish)
- Qu'ils/elles finissent (That they finish)

Regarding your question about adding -iss to -ir verbs, that is incorrect. The -iss ending is used in the imperative form, not the subjunctive. The present subjunctive for -ir verbs follows the same pattern as -er and -re verbs.

To ensure that you are using the subjunctive correctly, you may want to consult a French grammar book or website for further guidance and practice examples. Additionally, practicing with native French speakers or tutors can also help you improve your understanding and usage of the subjunctive.