If bonds are polar, they are strongly attached. Stronger attached bonds take more thermal energy to allow a molecule to break away as vapor: Thus, bp is higher.

How does boiling point affect polarity is the fact that a molecule may have a high boiling point alwayz make it polar?

Most minerals are crystalline in structure.Examine some grains of table salt with a hand lens.Note whether individual grains look like tiny crystals.Describe their shape.

how do you know what high is suppose to be, would a boiling point of 200+ be high enough to assume polarity?

Boiling point is a measure of the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. It is influenced by several factors, including the strength of the intermolecular forces in the substance's molecules. In general, molecules with stronger intermolecular forces tend to have higher boiling points.

Now, regarding the relationship between boiling point and polarity, it is important to note that polarity is one of the factors that can affect the strength of intermolecular forces. Polar bonds occur when there is an uneven distribution of electron density between two atoms in a molecule. This uneven distribution creates partial positive and partial negative charges, leading to a dipole moment.

If a molecule has polar bonds and the polarities do not cancel each other out, the molecule as a whole is polar. In general, polar molecules tend to have higher boiling points because the dipole-dipole interactions between the partially positive and partially negative ends of the molecules are stronger.

However, it's important to note that while a polar molecule is more likely to have a higher boiling point, not all molecules with high boiling points are necessarily polar. There are other factors besides polarity that can influence boiling point, such as molecular weight, shape, and the presence of hydrogen bonding.

To determine whether a molecule is polar or nonpolar, you should consider its molecular geometry and the polarity of its individual bonds. A polar molecule will typically have an uneven distribution of charge and a dipole moment, whereas a nonpolar molecule will have an even distribution of charge and no dipole moment.

Regarding the boiling point of 200+, it does not necessarily mean that the molecule is polar. High boiling points alone are not a definitive indicator of polarity. As mentioned before, other factors such as molecular weight, shape, and the presence of hydrogen bonding also influence boiling point.