which of the following best describes an example of how Progressives worked?

a) they worked to free businesses from unnecessary government restraint.
b) they worked to make government more responsive to people.
c) they allowed govenment leaders more independence from businesses and voters alike.
d) they passed laws increasing competition among businesses.

i think it's b

Roosevelt believed that the concentration in industry was not necessarily bad, if the industry behaved itself. He wanted executive agencies (not the courts) to regulate business.


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To determine the best answer, we need to understand the principles and goals of the Progressive movement. The Progressive era in the United States occurred from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and it was characterized by a desire for political and social reform.

Option a) They worked to free businesses from unnecessary government restraint
This option does not align with the goals of the Progressives. The movement aimed to regulate businesses to address issues such as corruption, monopolies, and unfair practices.

Option b) They worked to make government more responsive to people
This option aligns with the goals of the Progressives. They sought to increase government accountability and responsiveness to the needs of the people. They advocated for political reforms, such as direct election of senators and the expansion of voting rights.

Option c) They allowed government leaders more independence from businesses and voters alike
This option does not accurately describe the Progressive movement. Progressives sought to reduce corruption and undue influence of businesses on government, not increase independence from voters.

Option d) They passed laws increasing competition among businesses
This option is not the primary focus of the Progressives. While reducing monopolies and promoting fair competition were important goals, they also addressed other social and political issues during the era.

Based on this analysis, option b) "They worked to make government more responsive to people" appears to best describe the example of how Progressives worked.