write the number in the form a+bi

6 - the square root of -9

i got -3i

6 - 3i

To rewrite the number 6 - √(-9) in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers, we need to simplify the square root of -9 first.

The square root of -9 can be written as √(-1) * √(9).
Since the square root of -1 is represented by the imaginary unit "i," we have i√9.
The square root of 9 is 3, so we obtain i * 3 = 3i.

Now, let's substitute this back into the original expression:
6 - √(-9) = 6 - (3i).

So, the number 6 - √(-9) can be written in the form a + bi as 6 - 3i.