a church spire 82 meters high casts a shadow 62 meters long. what is the angle of elevation of the sun at that moment?

make right triangle. The base is 62, and the height is 82. So, since tangent of angle = opp/adj, you can calculate the angle.


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To calculate the angle of elevation of the sun, we can use the tangent function. Let's create a right triangle using the given information.

The height of the church spire is 82 meters, which corresponds to the opposite side (opp) of the triangle. The base of the shadow is 62 meters, which corresponds to the adjacent side (adj) of the triangle.

Now, we can use the tangent formula: tan(angle) = opp/adj.

Plugging in the values, we get tan(angle) = 82/62.

To find the angle itself, we need to take the inverse tangent (arctan) of both sides of the equation.

Using a calculator, we find that the arctan(82/62) is approximately 53.12°.

Therefore, the angle of elevation of the sun at that moment is approximately 53.12°.