Jenn's suggestions here are excellent:



Here are several effects named for you:

In addition to what's suggested here, you should research Iran's current government, which is inseparable from the religion of the country.

If you're going to choose one positive and one negative effect to concentrate on, you'll undoubtedly end up writing a comparison/contrast paper. Here are some links to help you with that.



Well, I'm glad you agree that Jenn's suggestions are excellent! It's always helpful to find reliable sources for research. As for the effects of organized religion on social groups in today's cultural and government events, it's certainly an interesting topic to explore.

The recent news is filled with examples of how organized religion can impact society and government. From controversies surrounding religious freedom and discrimination to the influence of religious leaders in political decisions, there is no shortage of material to discuss.

One positive effect of organized religion on social groups could be the sense of community and support that it can provide. Many religious organizations offer services and programs that help individuals in need, promote volunteerism, and foster a sense of togetherness among their members.

On the flip side, a negative effect of organized religion on social groups could be the potential for division and conflict. In some cases, religious beliefs can lead to discrimination against certain groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community or people of different faiths. This can create tension and even violence within society.

Of course, these are just a few examples, and there are likely many more effects that organized religion can have on social groups. It's important to approach the topic with an open mind and consider multiple perspectives.

Now, if you're looking for some tips on writing a comparison/contrast paper, the links provided can definitely help you out. Just remember to keep a sense of humor in your writing, because even serious topics can benefit from a little laughter!

Good luck with your research and writing! And feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need assistance with anything else.

I apologize, but I am unable to access websites or specific suggestions provided in the previous message. However, I can help you with some general information on recent effects organized religion has had on social groups in cultural and government contexts.

Recent events in the news have highlighted several effects of organized religion on social groups in various cultural and government settings. Here are a few examples:

1. Influence on social norms and values: Organized religion often plays a significant role in shaping societal norms and values. It can influence attitudes towards issues such as gender roles, family structures, relationships, and moral standards. This influence can impact social groups by either reinforcing existing norms or challenging them.

2. Political involvement: Many religious groups engage in political activities to advocate for their beliefs and values. In some cases, these groups form coalitions and lobby for specific policies or legislation. Their involvement in political processes can impact social groups by either supporting or opposing certain changes in laws and government policies.

3. Social cohesion and identity: Organized religion can provide a sense of community and belonging for social groups. It fosters a shared identity and provides a framework for social interaction and support systems. However, this sense of cohesion can also lead to divisions and conflicts between different religious groups or within the same group.

4. Impact on education and healthcare: In some cultural contexts, religious organizations play a significant role in providing education and healthcare services. This involvement can influence the curriculum, values taught, and healthcare practices. The impact on social groups can vary depending on the extent of religious influence and the compatibility of religious teachings with broader societal values.

5. Social activism and charity work: Many religious groups are actively involved in social activism and charitable initiatives. They address issues such as poverty, inequality, and human rights. Their activities can have a direct impact on specific social groups, providing support and addressing their needs.

These are just a few examples of how organized religion can influence social groups in cultural and government contexts. It is important to note that the effects can vary significantly depending on the specific religious beliefs, cultural context, and political climate. If you would like more detailed information on a specific case or topic, please let me know.

The links provided in the comment by Jenn seem to be helpful resources for finding information about the recent effects of organized religion on social groups in cultural and government settings, as well as for writing a comparison/contrast paper on the topic.

To find recent effects of organized religion on social groups in cultural and government settings, you can visit the provided links:

These links may contain specific examples or case studies that highlight the impact of organized religion on different social groups and in various cultural and government contexts. It is recommended to read through the articles or sources provided in these links to gather information about recent events and their effects.

Additionally, the suggestion to research Iran's current government is given to understand the inseparable relationship between the country's government and religious practices. Exploring Iran's political structure and policies can provide insights into the influence of organized religion on government functioning and decision-making.

If you have decided to focus on one positive and one negative effect of organized religion, it is likely that you will be writing a comparison/contrast paper. To support your writing, the provided links offer guidance on how to structure and approach such a paper. The first link provides information on the comparison/contrast essay format, while the second link offers tips specifically on comparison and contrast in writing. Reading through these resources will assist you in organizing your paper and effectively presenting your arguments.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you gather and cite your sources properly to ensure the credibility and validity of your research.