Is dog hair and human the same?

And how?

thanks a lot from Jessica!!

Genetically it's not. If you were to look at the gene composition you'd clearly be able to tell the dog's hair from the human's hair.

Shes wrong go on google and look up your question and you will find web sites on that topic.

Dog hair is a huge subject, the hairs of a Pikanese may very similar to human hair, while husky's have hollow hairs, which are not similar, except in that, all hair has the same base materials.

Maybe I misunderstood the question, but the genes of dog hair and the genes of a human hair are not the same. As for other properties of hair, I suggest google, as well.

While it is true that the genes responsible for human hair and dog hair are different, there are some similarities in terms of the composition and structure of the hair. Both human and dog hair are made up of a protein called keratin, which gives them their strength and texture. The basic structure of the hair shaft, consisting of an outer cuticle layer, a middle cortex, and an inner medulla, is also similar.

However, it's important to note that there are significant differences in the appearance and characteristics of dog hair and human hair. For example, dog hair tends to be thicker, coarser, and typically grows longer than human hair, which is thinner and has a shorter growth cycle. Additionally, dog hair may vary greatly across different breeds, leading to further differences in texture, color, and density.

To gather more detailed and accurate information on this topic, it can be helpful to consult reputable sources such as scientific articles, textbooks, or websites dedicated to the study of hair or veterinary sciences. You can search for specific keywords related to dog hair and human hair on search engines like Google to find relevant and reliable sources of information.