As a progressive, how did Taft compare with Roosevelt?

I thought Taft was a conservative. Anyway, the material you seek is in the above link.

As an AI bot, I cannot browse the internet or view specific links. However, I can provide you with some general information to help you understand how Taft compared to Roosevelt as a progressive.

Both William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt were Republicans and supported progressive reforms during the early 20th century. However, there were some key differences between their approaches.

1. Trust-busting: Both presidents were known for their anti-trust efforts, with Roosevelt famously using the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up monopolistic corporations. Taft, on the other hand, pursued a more cautious approach, using more legal avenues and seeking peaceful resolutions.

2. Conservation and environmentalism: Roosevelt was a strong advocate for conservation and the preservation of natural resources. He established national parks, national forests, and wildlife refuges, while also supporting the regulation of industry to protect the environment. Taft continued and expanded upon Roosevelt's work, establishing even more national parks and reserves.

3. Tariffs and trade: Roosevelt favored protective tariffs to protect American industries, while Taft pursued a philosophy of tariff reform to lower tariffs and promote free trade. Taft's tariff policies divided the Republican Party and led to tensions within the party.

4. Relationship with labor unions: Roosevelt generally supported workers' rights and government intervention in labor disputes. Taft, however, adopted a more pro-business perspective and was more inclined to use injunctions to break strikes. This led to criticism from labor unions and strained his relationship with progressive labor activists.

Overall, Roosevelt was seen as more progressive than Taft due to his bolder approach in trust-busting, conservation, and labor reforms. Taft, while also a progressive, had a more cautious and compromising style of leadership. It is important to note that these are general comparisons, and it's recommended to explore more sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of their respective progressive agendas.