i don't understand the projectile motion...my teacher said...it's a motion of a body confined to a vertical plane, perpendicular to Earth's surface...

I don't get it, can anyone explain to me clearly????

If your teacher said that, she was wrong. I doubt if she said exactly that.

Projectile motion is the study of the motion a projectile takes under the influence of gravity. Gravity makes things fall to the earth, including projectiles. However, if a projectile had any amount of horizontal motion, it goes horizontally while falling, making a parabolic path.



Projectile motion refers to the motion of an object that is launched into the air and then moves under the influence of gravity alone. It is not confined to a vertical plane perpendicular to the Earth's surface, as your teacher mistakenly stated. In fact, projectile motion occurs in a two-dimensional plane, which means it involves both horizontal and vertical motion simultaneously.

To understand projectile motion better, it is important to consider two main components: the horizontal motion and the vertical motion.

1. Horizontal motion: The object experiences uniform motion in the horizontal direction unless acted upon by an external force. This means that the object will continue to move forward with a constant speed unless something changes it.

2. Vertical motion: The object experiences vertical motion due to the influence of gravity. Gravity causes the object to accelerate downward at a constant rate (approximately 9.8 m/s^2). This downward acceleration affects the object's vertical speed and position.

When combining these two components, you end up with a parabolic path for the projectile. The object's motion forms a curve, starting from its initial launch point, reaching a maximum height, and then falling back down to the ground.

To calculate the different aspects of projectile motion, you need to consider a few key variables: initial velocity, launch angle, time of flight, horizontal distance, and maximum height. With these variables and some mathematical formulas, you can determine various properties of the projectile's motion.

In summary, projectile motion is the motion of an object launched into the air that moves in a curved path under the influence of gravity. It involves both horizontal and vertical motion simultaneously and results in a parabolic trajectory. To fully understand and calculate projectile motion, it is important to consider the different variables and mathematical formulas associated with it.