what were some of chinas weaknesses and limitations? give examples from the mongols and the ming periods.

These sites will give you some ideas of China's weaknesses.



China faced several weaknesses and limitations during the Mongols and Ming periods. Here are a few examples:

1. Military Weaknesses: During the Mongol period, China faced challenges in its military. The Mongols had superior cavalry and military tactics, which allowed them to conquer large parts of China. China's traditional infantry-based army was ill-equipped to deal with the Mongol invasion.

2. Geographic Vulnerability: China's vast territory and long borders made it difficult to defend against external invasions. The Mongols took advantage of this weakness and exploited the various entry points into China.

3. Political Instability: During the Ming period, China faced internal political struggles and power struggles within the ruling class. This weakened the central government's authority and made it harder to effectively govern and defend the country.

4. Economic Limitations: China faced issues with its economic policies during both periods. The Mongols imposed heavy taxes and economic burdens on the Chinese population, leading to economic hardships. The Ming period saw a decline in China's economy due to isolationist policies, which limited foreign trade and slowed down economic growth.

5. Over-reliance on Civil Service Exams: During the Ming period, the reliance on civil service exams as the sole means of selecting and promoting government officials became a limitation. This system placed emphasis on rote memorization and compliance, rather than practical skills and innovative thinking. It limited social mobility and stifled new ideas and talent in governance.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of weaknesses and limitations faced by China during the Mongols and Ming periods. Further research into these periods, as well as other sources, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of China's challenges during these times.