Can you please verify if I have done this correctly

1.The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town.

my answer
The directors and their spouses met the stockholders for a night on the town.

You are correct.

To verify if the sentence is correct, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the original sentence: "The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town."

2. Identify if there are any errors or areas that could be improved.

3. In this case, the word "wives" could be changed to "spouses" to be more inclusive and gender-neutral.

4. Rewrite the sentence with the suggested improvement: "The directors and their spouses met the stockholders for a night on the town."

5. Compare the revised sentence with the original sentence to see if the change improved the clarity and inclusivity.

Based on these steps, your revision is correct.