Jim protects Huck by

a. making him get out of bad weather
b. preventing him frsom seeing a dead man
c. a and b

I know that b is one for sure so it can't be answer choice a but it could be choice c) a and b.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the given options:

a. Making him get out of bad weather: This option suggests that Jim protects Huck by ensuring he doesn't face unpleasant weather conditions.

b. Preventing him from seeing a dead man: This option indicates that Jim shields Huck from witnessing something distressing, namely the sight of a deceased individual.

c. A and b: This option highlights that both options a and b are correct.

Now, based on your statement that option b is definitely correct, we can conclude that option c) "a and b" is the correct answer. This is because it includes both the confirmed statement (b) and the suggested statement (a).

In summary, Jim protects Huck by both making him avoid bad weather and preventing him from witnessing a dead man, as stated in option c) "a and b".