If Cultural Relativism is true, morality is arbitrary. Why does this gives us reason to reject Cultural Relativism?

There are at least two different world views of morality, one of them viewing morality as arbitrary and fixed and the other as relative to the situation/culture.


I hope this helps you to answer your question.

To answer your question, it is important to understand the concept of Cultural Relativism. Cultural Relativism is the belief that moral values and ethical standards are relative to the cultural beliefs and practices of a society. In other words, what is considered morally right or wrong varies from one culture to another.

If Cultural Relativism is true and morality is indeed arbitrary, it can lead to several reasons for rejecting this perspective. Here are a few reasons:

1. Inconsistency: If morality is truly arbitrary, then there would be no objective way to measure or evaluate moral values. This would mean that any action, no matter how heinous or unjust, could be justified simply because a particular culture or society deems it morally acceptable. This leads to a lack of consistency in determining what is right or wrong.

2. Human Rights: Cultural Relativism raises questions about universal human rights. If morality is completely determined by cultural beliefs, then there would be no objective standard to protect individuals from human rights abuses, as these could be justified on cultural grounds. This undermines the idea of fundamental human rights that should be universally upheld regardless of cultural differences.

3. Progress and Social Change: Cultural Relativism also hampers social progress and the potential for positive change. If we accept that moral values are entirely dictated by culture, then we have no basis for challenging or questioning harmful cultural practices or beliefs. This can prevent societies from evolving and improving their ethical standards.

It is important to note that rejecting Cultural Relativism does not mean dismissing the significance of cultural differences or diversity. It simply recognizes that some universal moral values and ethical principles can transcend cultural boundaries and should be upheld for the greater benefit of humanity.

In summary, the idea that Cultural Relativism leads to morality being arbitrary can be a reason to reject this perspective due to the inconsistency of moral values, the potential violation of universal human rights, and the hindrance of social progress and change.