Can you make a broom using twigs or sticks with leaves if not how can we

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is one way to make a twig broom:

First, the twig broom. This is easily made as follows: Cut a handle an inch thick, and shape it to a shoulder. Lash on birch or other fine twigs, one layer at a time, until sufficiently thick, at one end. Lash the twigs together close to the end of the handle. Then put a final lashing of cord about 3 inches, drawing the broom together and binding it firmly to the handle.. Trim the ends even , and it is ready for use. Surely you have a broom somewhere in your house. Look at it closely to get the idea.

To make a broom using twigs or sticks with leaves, you will need the following materials:

1. Twigs or sticks with leaves: Look for straight and sturdy twigs or sticks that have leaves attached to them. You can gather these from your backyard or nearby natural areas.

2. Handle: Select a long and thick twig or stick as the handle of your broom. Make sure it is comfortable to hold and sturdy enough to withstand sweeping motions.

3. Binding material: You will need a strong cord or string to bind the twigs to the handle. Natural fibers such as jute or hemp are suitable options.

Here's how you can make a twig broom:

1. Gather a bundle of twigs or sticks with leaves. Make sure they are approximately the same length.

2. Cut or trim any excess leaves or branches to make the twigs more uniform in size.

3. Arrange the twigs together, lining them up neatly. Make sure the leaves are facing outward.

4. Place the handle against the aligned twigs, positioning it at the end where the leaves are attached.

5. Use the binding material to tightly wrap and secure the twigs to the handle. Begin by tying a knot at the base of the twigs and spiral the binding material upwards, forming a strong connection between the handle and the twigs. Keep the binding tight as you go.

6. Once you have secured the twigs to the handle, tie a final knot at the top to secure everything in place.

7. Trim any excess binding material to give your broom a neat appearance.

8. Inspect your broom and make sure that the twigs are securely fastened to the handle. If needed, reinforce any loose twigs with additional binding.

9. Finally, give your broom a test sweep to ensure that it functions properly.

Remember to exercise caution while using your homemade twig broom and avoid sweeping rough or uneven surfaces that could potentially damage the twigs or the handle.