what do you mean by weniers?

If you were dropped in the Mediterranean and you have to learn how to survive by yourself, how would you store excess food?

Dried foods do well in that area, and dried fruits are very common.

It seems like there might be a misunderstanding regarding the term "weniers". It is possible that you meant to use the term "wieners" which commonly refers to sausages or hot dogs.

If you were dropped in the Mediterranean and had to learn to survive by yourself, storing excess food would be crucial for long-term sustenance. One effective method for storing excess food, especially in a warm and dry climate like the Mediterranean, is to use dehydration or drying techniques. You can dehydrate fruits, vegetables, and even meats to extend their shelf life.

To store excess food in a dried form, you can follow these steps:
1. Choose the food items you want to dry. In the Mediterranean, fruits like figs, dates, and apricots, as well as vegetables like tomatoes and eggplants, can be dehydrated effectively.
2. Wash the fruits or vegetables thoroughly to remove any dirt or impurities.
3. Cut the fruits or vegetables into thin slices or small pieces to allow for easier and quicker drying.
4. Lay the slices or pieces of food on a clean surface or use drying racks.
5. Place the food in a well-ventilated and warm area, preferably under the sun. Regularly turn the food to ensure even drying.
6. Depending on the food and the weather conditions, it may take several days for the food to fully dry. Continue the drying process until the food becomes dry and brittle.
7. Once the food is fully dried, store it in airtight containers such as glass jars or sealed plastic bags, to protect it from moisture and pests.
8. Label the containers with the name and date to keep track of the storage time.

By dehydrating your excess food, you can ensure that it lasts longer without spoiling. It also helps to preserve the nutrients in the food while reducing its weight and volume, making it easier to carry and store.