How would you graph y= x^3 +1?

I know the slope for the equation is
y'= 3X^2.

assign numbers to x and solve for y to get the poins. Then graph.

x=1 then y=2

if x=0 then y=1

if x=2 then y=9

To graph the equation y = x^3 + 1, follow these steps:

1. Determine the range of x-values you want to use for your graph. You can choose any values that you think are relevant or interesting. Let's say we'll use the x-values -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2.

2. Substitute each of these x-values into the equation y = x^3 + 1 to find the corresponding y-values:
- For x = -2: y = (-2)^3 + 1 = -7
- For x = -1: y = (-1)^3 + 1 = 0
- For x = 0: y = 0^3 + 1 = 1
- For x = 1: y = 1^3 + 1 = 2
- For x = 2: y = 2^3 + 1 = 9

3. Plot these points on a coordinate grid. The x-values will be on the horizontal axis, and the y-values will be on the vertical axis.

4. Connect the points with a smooth curve. Since the equation is a cubic function, the graph will have a characteristic curved shape.

Note: If you want a more accurate graph, you can choose additional x-values and find their corresponding y-values.

Using the examples you provided, the graph would include the points (-2, -7), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), and (2, 9).