Do conductors always need to conduct precise rhythmic patterns to keep musicians together?

I do not think so. Is this correct. :)

No, not always.

No, conductors do not always need to conduct precise rhythmic patterns to keep musicians together. While precise rhythmic patterns are often used by conductors to maintain synchronization and provide a clear musical structure, there are other methods and techniques they can employ as well.

To keep musicians together, conductors also use gestures and body language, such as indicating dynamics (softness or loudness), cues for entrances and cut-offs, shaping phrases, and expressing the overall interpretation and musical intent. These non-verbal cues can guide the musicians and help them stay unified and in sync with each other.

Additionally, experienced and well-rehearsed musicians can often play together without the need for constant guidance from a conductor. In such cases, the conductor may assume a more interpretive role, providing broad musical direction and shaping the overall performance without conducting every precise rhythmic pattern.

So, while conducting precise rhythmic patterns can be helpful in keeping musicians together, it is not always necessary, and conductors have various techniques at their disposal to achieve this goal.