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They formed a small group, and worked it out rather quickly.

To resolve conflicts between farmers, they likely followed a process of communication and negotiation. Here's how they could have done it:

1. Identify the conflict: The farmers would have recognized the specific issue causing disagreement, whether it's related to land use, water rights, or financial matters.

2. Establish clear communication: The farmers would have gathered together to openly discuss the conflict. Each person involved should have the opportunity to express their concerns and perspectives.

3. Active listening: It is essential for everyone involved to actively listen to each other's viewpoints without interruptions. This allows each party to understand the other's concerns better.

4. Seek common ground: The farmers would have looked for areas where their interests align and found mutually acceptable solutions. They might have explored various compromises or alternatives.

5. Collaborative problem-solving: The group might have brainstormed different ideas and analyzed the potential outcomes of each solution. Through discussion and debate, they would have evaluated which option serves the best interest of the group as a whole.

6. Reach a consensus: After considering all opinions and options, the farmers would have worked together to find a resolution that satisfies everyone involved or, at least, the majority.

7. Document the agreement: To ensure clarity, the farmers would have documented the agreed-upon solution, including any compromises or specific actions to be taken.

By following these steps, the farmers were able to effectively address and resolve their conflict in a timely manner.