What is the penalty if a minor is arrested and convicted of alchol abuse?

The specific penalties for breaking the law are different in every state, and also vary according the the opinion of the specific judge assigned to the case, so there is no definite answer to your question. However, in most cases of a minor and alcohol abuse, most of the punishment would be directed toward the adult, or adults, who supplied the minor with alcohol.

To find the specific penalties for alcohol abuse by a minor in a particular state, you can start by researching the state's laws related to underage drinking. Each state has its own laws and regulations regarding alcohol, and the penalties for a minor involved in alcohol abuse can vary.

One way to find this information is by visiting the official website of the state's legislative branch or the department responsible for alcohol enforcement. These websites often provide access to the state's statutes or laws, including those related to underage drinking. You can search for keywords such as "underage drinking" or "minor alcohol abuse" to find relevant laws and penalties.

Another option is to consult legal resources such as legal databases, law libraries, or legal professionals who can guide you through the specific laws and penalties in your state. They can provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on the potential penalties for a minor involved in alcohol abuse.

It is important to note that the penalties for alcohol abuse by a minor can include fines, community service, alcohol education or treatment programs, probation, or even suspension of driving privileges. However, the severity of these penalties can be influenced by factors such as the circumstances of the offense, the individual's prior record, and the discretion of the judge overseeing the case.

Ultimately, understanding the specific penalties for alcohol abuse by a minor requires researching the laws and regulations in the state in question, as well as seeking guidance from legal resources or professionals for the most accurate information.