Which characters in The Scarlet Letter are archetypal?

Probably the main characters, but check the analyses of characters in these sites:





Did Hester really live

To determine which characters in The Scarlet Letter are archetypal, you can refer to the analyses provided by SparkNotes and Gradesaver. Here's how you can navigate to find the information you're looking for:

1. Visit the SparkNotes website at http://www.sparknotes.com/lit.
2. In the search bar located on the top right corner of the page, type "The Scarlet Letter" and hit enter.
3. From the search results, click on "The Scarlet Letter" to access the study guide for the book.
4. On the study guide page, you will find various sections such as summary, characters, themes, symbols, etc. Click on the "Characters" section to find the analysis of the characters in the novel.
5. In the character analysis section, you will most likely find information about the archetypal characters in The Scarlet Letter. Look for any specific mentions or discussions about characters that fit archetypal roles.

Alternatively, you can also visit the Gradesaver website at http://http01.gradesaver.com/classicnotes/.
1. On the Gradesaver website, you will see a search bar in the middle of the page.
2. Type "The Scarlet Letter" into the search bar and click on the search icon or hit enter.
3. From the search results, click on "The Scarlet Letter" to access the study guide for the book.
4. On the study guide page, you will find various sections such as summary, analysis, characters, etc. Click on the "Characters" section to find the analysis of the characters in the novel.
5. In the character analysis section, look for any information about archetypal characters in The Scarlet Letter.

By following these steps and exploring the character analysis sections on both websites, you should be able to identify the archetypal characters in The Scarlet Letter.