why does a egg lose weight after being in corn syrup overnight?

Which way will fluid travel in osmosis?


To understand why an egg loses weight after being in corn syrup overnight and which way fluid will travel in osmosis, we need to first have some background knowledge about osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of solvent molecules (usually water) across a semipermeable membrane from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration. This movement occurs in an effort to equalize the concentration of solute on both sides of the membrane.

In the case of the egg in corn syrup, the corn syrup has a higher solute concentration (more sugar molecules) than the egg. Therefore, according to the principles of osmosis, water will move from an area of lower solute concentration (inside the egg) to an area of higher solute concentration (the corn syrup). The direction of fluid movement is from the egg into the corn syrup.

As water moves out of the egg, the egg loses weight. This is because the water loss decreases the overall mass of the egg. The egg becomes dehydrated and shrinks in size.

In summary, osmosis causes water to move from an area of lower solute concentration (inside the egg) to an area of higher solute concentration (corn syrup). This results in the egg losing weight as it loses water through osmosis.

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