What are Chroobacteria, Hormogoneae, and cleeobacteria? Spelling suggestions are welcome.

Chromobacteria, Hormogonia are the spellings. I don't know about the others.

Thank you. Do you know where i could find some info on them?


Thanks but no thanks. Wikipedia has not helped at all with this part of the project.


I apologize if Wikipedia did not provide the information you were looking for. In that case, there are a few other sources you can try to find information on chromobacteria, hormogonia, and cleeobacteria.

1. Online scientific databases: You can search through databases such as PubMed or Google Scholar to find scientific research articles or papers on these topics. These databases often provide more detailed and reliable information than general websites.

2. Academic textbooks: Check if there are any microbiology or botany textbooks available at your school or local library. These textbooks usually cover various types of bacteria and can provide detailed information on chromobacteria, hormogonia, and cleeobacteria.

3. Academic journals: Look for relevant articles in scientific journals dedicated to microbiology or botany. These journals often publish new research findings and provide in-depth explanations on various topics related to bacteria and other microorganisms.

4. Consult a specialist: If possible, consider reaching out to a microbiologist, botanist, or any professional in the field who may have expertise or knowledge about chromobacteria, hormogonia, and cleeobacteria. They could provide valuable insights or direct you to specific resources.

Remember, when conducting research, it's important to critically evaluate the sources, ensure they are reputable and reliable, and cross-reference information from multiple sources to get a comprehensive and accurate understanding.