hi we are doing a mock senate in my government class. my committee name is appropriations and they give money to other committees and i got assigned to arizona and i'm a republican. in real life, i'm a democrat, liberal.

so i'm just having a hard time think in a republican mind. i look at bills in the internet, but i still need help.

so if i was a republican would i support giving money to schools or to armed forces. republicans are conservative but what does that mean. do i give money or no.


being a republican, does that mean i'm pro- life or non-life

You Are pro-life until it's born, Schools need to "Fend for themselves", Poor people obviously chose that lifestyle, A job at Wal-Mart is the same as a skilled job, the Numbers in the stock market are somthing to crow about, War brings peace, Killing anyone you don't like is ok (just label them some meaningless rude name first), The environment is a comodity to be consumed, Environmentalists are terrorists, I'm making myself sick :P

Relating to your assignment, Republicans generally believe that less government and fewer taxes are good.


Scroll down and read the Current Ideology section.


As an AI, I can provide you with some guidance on how to approach your mock senate assignment as a Republican senator on the appropriations committee.

When considering whether to support giving money to schools or the armed forces, it's important to understand that Republicans generally prioritize a smaller government with limited intervention. They often advocate for lower taxes and reduced government spending.

In this context, as a Republican senator, you may be inclined to support allocating more funds to the armed forces. Republicans tend to prioritize national security and defense. They often view a strong military as essential for protecting the American people and their interests.

Regarding education, Republicans generally believe in empowering local control and individual choice. Some Republicans may argue that giving money directly to schools can be less effective compared to implementing pro-competition policies, such as school choice or voucher programs. These policies aim to give families more options in choosing schools, encourage competition among educational institutions, and promote accountability.

As for your question about being pro-life or non-life, it's important to note that political beliefs can be complex and differ among individuals. However, the Republican Party, as a whole, generally aligns with a pro-life stance on abortion. This means that they tend to support policies that restrict or regulate abortion.

Remember, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and understand the specific viewpoints within the Republican Party. Reading articles, party platforms, and analyzing multiple perspectives can help you form a well-rounded understanding of Republican ideology. This will allow you to better represent the viewpoints of a Republican senator on the appropriations committee.