where can i find events and leaders of the civil rights and black power movements and where it also states their contributions to their respective causes. Or if someone can help me with this all i know is booker t.washington(FOR THE NORMAL SCHOOL FOR COLORED TEACHER OF THE TUSKEGEE uNIVERSITY IN THE 1881), web dubois(FOR the NAACP IN THE 1909) , huey p. newton( FOR THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY IN THE 1966), malcolm x( FOR THE NATION OF ISLAM IN THE 1960), martin luther king jr(IN THE YEAR 1954-1968), rosa parks(IN THE YEAR 1955). Am i correct so far. cAN YOU LET ME KNOW OF ANY MORE.



(Broken Link Removed)

Look For Hewey P.Newton, Mae Brussels, Mother Jones, Cesar Chaves.....

Yes, you are correct about Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks being notable leaders in the civil rights and black power movements. These individuals made significant contributions to their respective causes. However, to find more events and leaders of these movements and learn about their contributions, you can refer to various sources:

1. History books: Look for books specifically focused on the civil rights movement or black power movement. They often provide comprehensive information about key events and leaders.

2. Online databases and archives: Websites like the Library of Congress, National Archives, and Civil Rights Digital Library have extensive resources on the civil rights and black power movements. You can search for specific events, leaders, and their contributions.

3. Online encyclopedias: Websites like Wikipedia provide detailed articles on various civil rights leaders and events. These articles often include references and external links to further explore their contributions.

4. Academic journals and articles: Scholarly journals in history, African American studies, and social sciences publish research articles on the civil rights and black power movements. University libraries often have online databases that can grant you access to these resources.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you use, especially when it comes to online platforms. Reliable sources should be peer-reviewed, authored by experts, or published by reputable organizations.

Please note that the links you provided are not accessible. However, the resources and methods mentioned above should help you find more events and leaders of the civil rights and black power movements, as well as information about their contributions to their respective causes.