I need a way to present info on amnesia that is funny, and that will really interest my pears and my teacher. Any ideas?

Your "pears"?

I am not certain there is much humor in this condition, I would avoid making fun of the condition. It is devastating to those who have it, and their loved ones, especially the children.
Avoid a lot of humor, is my recommendation.

"interest my pears" ? you must mean peers.

Anyway, to get started try learning a bit about it here:
Then use you imagination to come up with a plan. Why does it have to be funny? If I were you I'd settle for making it intense.

I put Case studies, amnesia into Google search. There are quite a number of useful articles. I believe that you will find some information that will make an extremely effective class presentation.

The Movie 99 first dates has a lot of humor abuot amnisia in it. As a brain damaged person I can tell you the funniest people on campus are the disabled comunity, go hang with them for funny stories.

While it's important to approach the topic of amnesia with sensitivity, you can still find ways to present information that engages your peers and teacher. Here are some ideas:

1. Use storytelling: Share real-life stories or case studies to make the information relatable and interesting. Look for examples of individuals who have overcome challenges related to amnesia or stories that highlight the complexities of memory.

2. Incorporate visual aids: Create visually appealing and informative slides or infographics to help convey the important points. Visual representations can often capture attention and enhance understanding.

3. Use humor strategically: While it's essential to be mindful of the sensitive nature of amnesia, you can incorporate a touch of lightheartedness in appropriate moments. For example, you could include some light-hearted anecdotes or use visuals with clever wordplay related to memory or forgetting.

4. Engage your audience: Include interactive elements in your presentation to keep your peers and teacher engaged. This could involve asking thought-provoking questions, conducting a quick poll, or incorporating small group discussions.

5. Relate it to everyday life: Connect the concept of amnesia to everyday experiences or situations that your audience can relate to. Emphasize the impact and consequences of memory loss on people's daily lives and relationships.

Remember to prioritize respect and sensitivity throughout your presentation. By presenting accurate information in an engaging manner, you can both educate and captivate your audience.