Name and explain 3 problems of the Articles of Confederation.

How can I answer that question?

You'll need to check your textbook to find the parts of the Articles of Confederation that were not included in the Constitution. Look for things like states' rights and the powers given to the federal government.

To answer the question about the problems of the Articles of Confederation, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by reviewing your textbook or other reliable sources for information on the Articles of Confederation.
2. Look for the sections that describe the structure and powers of the government under the Articles. Pay attention to the relationship between the state and federal governments.
3. Identify three key problems or limitations of the Articles of Confederation based on your research. Here are three examples:

a. Weak Central Government: One problem with the Articles of Confederation was the lack of a strong central government. The federal government had limited powers and could not enforce its laws effectively. It lacked the authority to regulate trade, levy taxes, and raise an army, which made governing the states challenging.

b. Inadequate Economic System: The Articles of Confederation created an economic system that was insufficient to meet the needs of the country. The federal government had no power to regulate commerce between the states, resulting in trade disputes and economic rivalries. It could not impose taxes, leading to financial instability and an inability to pay off war debts.

c. Difficulty in Enforcing Laws: The Articles of Confederation lacked mechanisms to enforce laws and resolve disputes between states. The central government was dependent on the cooperation of the states, making it challenging to enforce decisions or maintain order. This resulted in a lack of unity and cooperation among the states.

Remember, it is essential to cite your sources and provide evidence to support your statements.