An object 5 millimeters high is located 15 millimeters in front of a plane mirror. How far from the mirror is the image located?

using the lens equation..

1/f= 1/o + 1/i

here, o is fifteen cm, focal length for a plane mirror is infintity, so

0=1/15 + 1/i solve for i. It should turn out to be -15cm, the negative sign means behind the mirror.

how do i remember phmpoc

To remember the acronym "PHMPOC," you can use the phrase "Please Hide My Pizza Or Chocolate." Here's how each letter corresponds to a step in the problem-solving process:

1. P - Problem: Clearly define the problem or question you need to solve.
2. H - Hypothesis: Formulate a hypothesis or educated guess about the answer.
3. M - Method: Determine the method or approach you will use to solve the problem.
4. P - Perform: Perform the necessary calculations or steps to solve the problem.
5. O - Observe: Observe and analyze the results or answer obtained.
6. C - Communicate: Clearly communicate the final answer or solution to the problem.

By using this mnemonic, you can remember the key steps to follow when problem-solving.