two capes located at africas southern tip

Cape Agulhas and the Cape of Storms, which was renamed the Cape of Good Hope. Good luck

The two capes located at Africa's southern tip are Cape Agulhas and the Cape of Good Hope. To find this information, you can use various methods:

1. Internet Search: Open a search engine like Google and type in "Capes located at Africa's southern tip." This will give you the information you need along with additional details and sources.

2. Online Maps: You can use online maps like Google Maps or Bing Maps. Zoom in on Africa's southern tip and look for the names "Cape Agulhas" and "Cape of Good Hope."

3. Encyclopedias or Geography Books: Consult encyclopedias or geography books that provide information about different landmarks and geographical features around the world.

Using these methods, you should be able to quickly find and confirm that Cape Agulhas and the Cape of Good Hope are the two capes located at Africa's southern tip.